速報APP / 購物 / Movies World HD - Finest film collection

Movies World HD - Finest film collection


檔案大小:6.7 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 6.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Movies World HD - Finest film collections from top cinema pr(圖1)-速報App

* Finest film collections from top cinema producing countries !

* Watch High Definition movies on your mobile over 3G or Wi-Fi online!!!

Watch hundreds of Movies in high quality!!!

Top classic movies are on your smart phone now, Watch any time anywhere free of cost with FULL HD. Turn your iphone into a mobile box office and Stream the best full-length feature films via Wi-Fi or network coverage.

This application contains top best movies of all the decades; you will find most of your movies in this app, from old classics to latest movies from drama to action. We have a good collection of movies from latest releases to old movies.

You can search movies by Movie Name, Artists and by category and can watch Full Length High Definition Movies on your mobile over 3G/Wi-Fi for Free.

Here are the features listed:

1. Instantly view full movie from player.

Movies World HD - Finest film collections from top cinema pr(圖2)-速報App

2. Fast Search on your database to locate the Movie that suits your mood!

3. You can also filter by Movie Name, Artist Name, and Category.

4. Easiest app to use with a simple and accurate search.

5. Instantly view full movie from player.

6. Latest movies are now at your fingertips - get them anytime, anywhere.

Note :

This app requires 2G/3G/Wi-Fi Internet Connection. If you get message "Cannot play this video". This problem occurs due to connection time out from YouTube server.


Movies World HD - Finest film collections from top cinema pr(圖3)-速報App

The videos provided in this app are hosted by YouTube and is available in public domain. Linchpin does not upload any Movies to YouTube. This app is just an organized way to browse and view these YouTube Videos.

支援平台:iPhone, iPad